Ladies' Ministry at  Valley of Blessings

Join in!

Ladies Bible Study - Faithful-- The Covenant God from Eden to Eternity

Contact: Carol McCloskey or Donna Treat

Where: Valley of Blessings

When: Wednesdays, at 10am

Details: All ladies are welcome!  Feel free to bring finger foods!  

Ladies Retreat  ~ Sealed, Set Apart, Holy~

Where: Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center

When: March 28th-30th 2025

Details: This year's speaker is AUDREY MACK!!  If you were here a few years ago when Audrey Mack was our speaker, you no doubt fell in love!  Such an amazing heart, and love for the Lord and His Word.  You don't want to miss this powerfully anointed, mighty woman of God!

In an effort to help the VOB ladies grow closer to each other, feel they have the freedom to reach out for help, express themselves freely, etc., this is for VOB ladies only.  If you're in the church directory, you're invited!

Please RSVP Leah Munday by January 26th with your non-refundable $45 deposit.  The cost is $220, which includes 2 breakfasts and 1 dinner. Check in Friday at 4pm, check out Sunday by 2pm.