Current Bible Studies at Valley of Blessings
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FIrm Foundations of the Kingdom
Teacher: Rilene Wallace
Where: Valley of Blessings
When: **On break for November**
Jesus brought us an INVITATION FOR INTIMACY and partnership with the Creator of the Universe!
We have responded, completely yielding to His Heart, His Thoughts, His Ways.
As LAID-DOWN LOVERS, we welcome Jesus to infuse us with God’s heart of radical, overwhelming love and compassion!
As DISCIPLES of Jesus Christ and heirs of the Kingdom of God, we welcome the Holy Spirit to bring Life to God’s Word while training & transforming us in Christlikeness.
As the EKKLESIA, He is preparing us to be His mature representation in all areas of influence on earth, equipped for spiritual warfare to see Satan crushed under our feet!
As the BRIDE of Christ, He is anointing us in His fiery purifying process, immersing us in the precious, perfumed oils of His Presence, to be the mature, pure and spotless companion prepared for the King!
ALL ARE WELCOME! Come join us as we learn together!